Hunger is the main dish of millions of people in Brazil. This reality is the result of an economic model that places profit above the lives of human beings and the planet itself, in Brazil there has been a worsening in recent years. In this context, the systematic violations of human and environmental rights, the overexploitation of work and the loss of labor and social rights have deepened.
Hunger is the main dish of millions of people in Brazil. This reality is the result of an economic model that places profit above the lives of human beings and the planet itself, in Brazil there has been a worsening in recent years. In this context, the systematic violations of human and environmental rights, the overexploitation of work and the loss of labor and social rights have deepened.
The National Front Against Hunger was born in the context of the emergency crisis of the pandemic to seek ways to fight hunger, from the base, acting directly with the affected people, the State, in the face of the dismantling of public policies on food, nutritional and water security. Our objective is to face hunger in its structural and emergency perspectives, based on education, training, mobilization and popular organization for an agenda of collective convergence of direct actions and political incidence in the face of food and nutrition insecurity. In this sense, Front is a space for education and popular organization so that together we can place “hunger in a museum”, as Emicida says.
It is necessary to strengthen an agenda to defend food emergency policies, help in the production of reflection and action of a new civilizing pact based on solidarity and commitment to the social and political transformation of Brazil, built from the bottom up, in which people who starve, who are thirsty will not be seen as victims or beneficiaries, but as protagonists of the solutions to their problems. We believe and bet on active solidarity! Facing hunger is necessary for the construction of a popular project for Brazil!.
“Placing hunger in a museum”, the expression coined by the Brazilian composer Emicida, served as a synthesis and inspiration for the organizations and social movements that make up the National Front Against Hunger and Thirst.
The Front was born with a structure composed of:
Executive Secretariat responsible for providing secretariat for the organizational, programmatic and methodological processes at its different levels of work;
Management Committee, leading nucleus, responsible for planning, coordinating, animating and articulating the processes and the strategic direction;
National Plenary, ample space to welcome, listen, mobilize, animate, inform, share networks, organizations, movements and initiatives, aligning agendas, socializing actions and converging actions;
Working Groups, a group of people linked to organizations that are members of the Front, whose action plan is based on the objectives of the Front.
SEFRAS, as an organization participating in the Front, assumes the role of facilitator and channel of dialogue to strengthen the presence of civil society, social movements and organizations that make efforts in the search for a transformation for the benefit of the People. Thus responding to the call of the Franciscans and Pope Francis on behalf of the least favored.
The National Front Against Hunger and Thirst is made up of more than 25 organizations and movements in the structural fight against hunger and thirst in Brazil.
We act nationwide as a space for education and popular organization, so, together, we are able to make hunger and thirst immoral, unethical and unpalatable in our country.
Secretaria Executiva : Santiago Matos
Email: frentefomesede@gmail.com